

Week 01

  1. Oracle Virtual Box Website ini membantu saya menjalankan debian 11 dikarenakan saya menggunakan macbook dengan processor intel sehingga saya tidak bisa memakai UTM.

  2. Debian Website ini saya gunakan untuk mendownload ISO file debian yang kompatibel dengan laptop saya.

  3. Referensi instalasi debian Untuk bantuan saya instalasi debian saya menggunakan youtube sebagai referensi, terutama bagi saya yang menggunakan MacBook prosessor intel.

Week 02

  1. ChatGPT This is an Artificial Chatbot that works like google but curated the information for you. Chatgpt really useful whenever I comes upon obstacle but
    cannot found solution elsewhere.

  2. Ssh introduction This is a youtube video explaining a about what is SSH and how does it works. I found really interesting because of how far information technology have improved until this point and learning how information are being transferred in much more deeper level.

  3. Transfer folder between Mac and Linux This website gives me better understanding on how to transfer file between two different OS. This is particularly interesting because I can now understand the basic of both computer are basically the same but developed with diferent principle.

Week 03

  1. Makefile guides So this forum helps me understand how to make a Makefile properly because I was having difficulty when making Makefile it says that I am missing a a separator but it turns out I supposed to use tab instead of space bar, such a silly mistake but could affect the whole code.

  2. OS website by Cicak Bin Kadal Honestly the tutorial offered in the website already covered most of what I must do, and I can understand how to make external storage better :).

Week 04

  1. C Language: Warning When compiling with TLPI oftenly there’s an a warning in a few c file that going to be compile. The point is, the warning did not cancel the process rather it is just act as a flag.

  2. TLPI FAQ Contains frequently asked question surrounding the Linux Programming Interface.

  3. Introduction to TLPI Explain about what is TPLI and what are the function of TPLI

Week 05

  1. Printf Formating Cheat Sheet A cheat sheet of how printf works in C language. Also with example to with clear output result of the code.

  2. Little vs Big Explain the difference between little and big endian

  3. Makefile 101 Explain a brief introduction about how to make Makefile

Week 06

  1. Linux Kernel Archive Update about Linux kernel that helped me understand more about Linux Kernel.

  2. How to copy files from localhost to remote host Help me understand how transfer file between machine works and it also helped me with my popquiz

Week 07

  1. How to discard local changes in github Sometimes you want to fix mistake directly from remote repo this exactly does that

  2. How to use SCP command to securely transfer file This article helped me understand how transfer between host works. Also, try WinSCP but you’ll need to get your ssh public key.

Week 08

  1. Youtube LFS tutorial As a visual learner, this helps me tremendously with navigating through the LFS website and giving example too
  2. LFS slides This really breaksdown LFS therefore helped me understand about it in a deeper level.